Need A Great Cause To Get Behind?


I have a pet shark... His name is Babu. He lives over in Tampa, Florida now. I don't have to feed him or even walk him. But I get to follow his Journey every day. If your into awesome bracelets while helping out a great cause then this is the stylish way to go. Click the link and check it out.

Loggerhead Marine Life Center

This one is local to me, and they do a fantastic job staying afloat and protecting the Beaches and Sea Turtles of Jupiter and Juno Beach. If you are local to Florida and want to help I am sure they take volunteers as well as donation.

World Wildlife Fund

One of the tried and true. Usually every year I buy stuffed animal gifts and adopt animals for my friends and family. Nothing really much to say about the WWF. Generally a really solid fit and easy to work with.

Frost Museum

If you are ever in the Miami area and want to see one of the best shark / fish aquariums in the world (not even joking) Frost museum is it. Kill an hour or a whole day. Planetariums, everything. They have a ton of upkeep but anyway that can keep this place running and help... Count me in!
