How Movies That Bite Makes Money

Your information is never sold, in fact; we will only use that info when you opt in to receive our post updates only. Even in those post updates emails we may serve an ad or two. But we are going to try to serve as little ads as humanly possible to not interfere with the user experience. I personally feel it’s more important to share my wealth of knowledge to you than to force feed you 199 ads on a single page.

That being said, we do serve ads. We will at time find some pretty cool stuff and share them with you via affiliate links to cool shark mugs or on our movie reviews use our amazon affiliate link to the movie we are reviewing.  This is as transparent as it’s going to get on the world wide web and always subject to change.

Our donation page is affiliate link free and showcases places and organizations that I donate to personally. I have no affiliation and have not spoken to a single person at any of these places. I just like them.
