Is it possible that maybe… just maybe; we need to re evaluate the whole Superman concept? Dean Cain is a national treasure for sure, but what if we are looking at him through the wrong lens.
Sure he has a chiseled jaw line… is 6 ft tall and has all the qualities of a great leader. I mean what child or audience wouldn’t look up to someone as confident looking as him. I honestly think he could be capable of pretty much anything… dare I say a real life “Superman”.

Lets take a second here and appreciate how this one kid from Smallville wound up being destined to do some pretty big things. Maybe we just get star-struck and want to see things; that aren’t really there. Is it a possibility that we may have imagined the red / blue spandex and blocked out the fact that it may have just been a pilots uniform?
It may be tough for some people to re-live the events of 2014 in Hawaii when we witnessed the beginning of an ecological disaster as a a pocket of random volcano’s started popping up and completely creating devastation all across the pacific ocean especially in the Hawaii region. But in order to see Dean Cain through the same lens, as i think we have to now we have to bring up some pretty bad memories.

Maybe We Are Just Envisioning A Hero In Red / Blue Spandex
After watching the tragedy unfold in Hawaii (you can re-live the experience in the documentary Airplane vs. Volcano). It's a possibility we are just witnessing one Americas greatest hero's... who is human and a pilot.
I know its not fair to try to crush peoples dreams when it comes to Superman, but the further I did into the story about how Dean Cain rescued the passengers from the plane that day, the more I wonder if we look at him the same way some kids look at their dad. Larger than life… but I only question why collectively why we only saw him in tight spandex rather than his pilot uniform? That’s anyone’s guess tbh.
But doesn’t take away the fact of how cool calm and collected he was that day in navigating all the heat / lava /molten rocks / passengers with guns or schizophrenia. But he did it, and handled it exactly we saw the man in a cape would, flying and navigating through a disaster just to save the day!

Not even the military (who originally left them for dead) could stop Superman from saving these people. Sometimes it’s stomach wrenching to know how the military treats some situations, but to catch it on camera and to find out that it took the persistence of 2 cadets getting court-martialed and a scientist whose colleague was on the plane to get the US on board with believing Dean Cain was yet again the man for the job.

Our Hearts Go Out To The Ones Lost That Day In 2014
To the crew and passengers of that flight who made it, hopefully you got the help you deserved and each one of you got a golden ticket for that airline.
To the ones we lost... R.I.P. - (even that one jerk)
Can you imagine having not only the resistance of the US Military but also the passengers of that plane. Crazy, I know. We all know who Dean Cain is, I guess its just human nature to second guess the ability of even super man. But here we are!

Look at the footage below… Name us 5 people with enough flying experience that would be able to navigate that? I can only name 2: Dean Cain, and probably MJ. Small list.

As other US military pilots came to the rescue above the lava spewing volcano’s, Dean Cain was tasked with a quest. A quest that would have him do 2 things. 1. Keep the plane stead so all the passengers could get off the plane to the Military rescue plane. 2. Take a “geo bomber” which was a device constructed to prevent further eruptions. But the military also knew it would force Dean Cain to sacrifice himself in order to stop the volcano’s. What’s funny is how quickly Dean Cain agreed to the task.
Did the military know something we don’t about Dean Cain?
Or is it true that the the only thing that can kill him is kryptonite? Imagine that…